How to Choose Best Tech Stack for E-Commerce Website Development

Best Tech Stack for E-Commerce Website Development

Everybody seems to be evangelized by the term eCommerce, no two ways about it! Launching a store is no less than walking in the park, and this has become possible because of the all-turnkey solutions and technology stacks available. Even those who do not carry technical expertise can launch their own eCommerce stores, all they have to do is find a reputable and reliable eCommerce development services provider who carries immense expertise in offering their clients a competitive edge even in this seismic shift.  

The following post focuses on how to choose a relevant technology stack for your eCommerce development project. Well, if you don’t do so then you might end up developing a project that is incredibly expensive and features an unsatisfactory front-end user experience, and of course, compels you to lag far behind your competitors.  Now before you start seeking around for the popular ones, you should get your basics right! 

Table of Contents

What is a technology Stack?

One of the obvious things to consider is what exactly the term technology stack means. Well, as the name implies, this one is a rare combination of frameworks, tools, applications, platforms and programming languages which are mainly used to develop robust, scalable and more user-friendly websites or mobile applications. You see, developing a fully-functioning system is not easy at all, you must be well-prepared in advance. 

Basically choosing the right technology stack means you will be determining what type of application you can create, how much you can customize things and what type of resources are required to develop the app that offers fruitful outcomes. For example – MEAN is a technology stack where M stands for MongoDB, E stands for Express, A stands for Angular, and N stands for Node.js. Though you interchange between Angular and React, depending on the situation and requirements. Apart from this, you can use LAMP (Linux, Apache, MySQL and PHP). 

Now tech stack can be bifurcated into three categories, 

  • Frontend – HTML, CSS, JavaScript,  
  • Backend – database, server, framework, and operating system.
  • Full Stack – This one comprises of both frontend and backend technologies

Significance of Choosing a Tech Stack in Prior

Now many of you have this question, why is it important to choose a tech stack in advance? Well for starters, your tech stack determines what kind of app you will come up with in future. Apart from this, after choosing the tech stack to develop an  ecommerce store you can figure out whether you want to hire an eCommerce development company or individual experts in regard to particular technologies. In addition, each tech stack features strengths and weaknesses such as some do allow seamless customization while others are way more scalable or responsive in regards to designing. So yes, it is very important to be precise with your requirements before picking any technology and then the next step is to decide on the tech stack. 

How to Choose a Technology Stack for your upcoming eCommerce Website Development Project? 

Initially, you may find this pretty daunting and overwhelming but trust me after a while even if you hail from a non-technical background things won’t be this hard and tiresome. Also, take a look at the below-mentioned pointers, I am sure they can assist you well in making the right choice for your upcoming eCommerce website development project. 

1. Seamless Compatibility

One of the obvious tips to take into consideration is whether your choice is compatible enough with the existing stack or not. Now let’s say if you are planning to develop an online store right from the scratch then you do require assistance from existing frameworks and tools. Also, just make sure whatever you choose, it is relevant as well as highly compatible with all the current solutions that you are using already. The more compatible your tech stack is the more seamless workflow and the outcome will be. 

2. Get Involved Precisely

Of course, you will be hiring a reliable team of eCommerce developers and all but remember this is your project and you must get involved. You should even try sharing your needs, and experiences – you never know a million-dollar idea can be created from such conversations.  Apart from this when you are hiring experts, make sure you do hire them featuring a specific set of skills so that things go smooth and seamless throughout the development project. 

3. Scalability and Robustness

These are the two aspects that can seamlessly make or break any eCommerce development project. There are situations when a project, in particular, fails to scale faster within the estimated amount of budget, energy and time. As a result, you can lose a lot in regard to market share and revenues. So here’s the key, you have to be flexible with the time and money or else, to save a few bucks you might end up losing a lot more. 

Also See: How To Optimize Your Tech Stack

You can Never Go Wrong With These Big Players!

  • Amazon Tech Stack 
  • eBay
  • Walmart
  • Target
  • Etsy 

Another crucial aspect to consider in choosing a technology stack for your eCommerce development project is consider the type of the project. 

  • Small-scale projects – Small-scale as in you are planning to sell items that are less than 500 and that too within a short span of time and budget. For that, you must consider WordPress and CMS and your tech stack must comprise PHP and the Ngnix plugin, MYSQL, Ruby, and SaSS for WordPress, Shopify and Big Commerce. 
  • Mid-Size Projects – Different sets of technologies must be considered for mid-size projects. Now, this is said when the client wants to sell more than 500 products, high traffic and leads and offer a wide range of customizable features to the end clients. Here you can consider Magento as your eCommerce platform and the tech stack would include: Apache, Ngnix, PHP, MYSQL, Bootstrap, Jquery, HTML/CSS, MYSQL, DHTML and whatnot! 
  • Large Projects – Now imagine you are planning to develop a platform which can be used for multiple purposes such as a social networking site as well as an enterprise online store featuring a plethora of integrations and customizations then you require PHP (5.5 or 5.6), HTML5, JQuery, and RequireJS for Magento Enterprise and JavaScript, Bootstrap, jQuery, MySQL, and Ruby for Sharetribe

Related Post: Dos & Don’ts of Ecommerce Website Designs


Technological advances are bound to happen! And choosing the right technology stack won’t be an easy venture but once you do so nothing can stop you from succeeding in comparison to your competitors. I hope you did find the following post helpful and try implementing these aforementioned approaches in your own technology stack right away! 

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WeeTech Solution