Android 8.0 Oreo is the latest version of Google’s Platform which has been launched in the month of August. The software is accessible now on Google Pixel and Nexus devices but soon it is sure to be launched in the other manufacturers like Samsung, LG Sony, HTC and Motorola. Android 8.0 Orea is a developed version of Android it has got lot of features, is considered to be stable and functional.
Android O has got lot of features which are as stated below:
Life of the Battery
One of the improvised features of the Android O is the improved Battery life of the phone. It will allow various applications to perform in the background even when the apps are running. This will improve the battery life.
Channel of Notification
There is no more control of the developers over the level of notification; Android O gives you the complete control of the notification panel. On the update of Android O the app will be featured with different notification channels. Each channel can be customised to alert you on a different way and can be set as per your choice.
Smart Text Selection
Android O enables much smarter text selection with the help of which the OS comes to know what you wish to copy. It gives you the option of tapping on the selected text and if it is found to be an address it directly takes you to finding the directions and if it is found to be a Phone number, it then directly dials the number.
Improvisation in the WIFI
Android O automatically detects the need of connecting your phone to wifi. As soon as you enter your home it connects to wifi and offs it automatically when there is no need of it.
Picture – in – Picture
Android is also featured with Picture-in-Picture feature where you can do multiple activities at one point of time in different windows being displayed on the screen at the same time.
Auto filling of the Password
Remembering so many passwords is quite annoying for us. Android O enables the facility of filling the forms with the help of entire information stored in the Google Account.
Notification Dots
When we have pending notification in any of the apps, there comes a small dot on the app. Android O is featured with the facility of disabling the notification badges if you long press on your home screen followed by switching to the settings where you can turn off to all the notifications dots option.
Improvised Storage Management
Android O enables you to get relieved from the difficulty of facing the Storage Problem. By making the necessary changes in the Storage option you can free up the space by deleting certain content of the downloads folder and uninstall the apps you think are not required.