The digitalization of all the services these days has increased the popularity of the internet rapidly. The technology has soared in varied forms since past few years. With Smartphone being acclaimed, the app market is on a boost with the introduction of new apps every now and then.
App Marketing is a wide aspect that involves varied tricks and technique which helps in creating the attention to the apps. It also involves a lot of efforts in order to gain attention of all the users.
The Need of App Marketing:
✔ Mobile Apps have taken over the world by making life of the people easier. Not everyone can afford buying a desktop, but with the launch of smartphones – the mini computers in our pockets everyone is ready to invest in the smartphones.
✔ With such increased demand of smart phones, every marketer should once take an effort reach the target audience via smart phones and should focus more on making their mobile app development websites more attractive and easily accessible.
✔ With massive crowd in the mobile app market, only few apps turn out to be distinctive of the others, moreover many of the apps don’t even appear in the crowd. To sustain its existence, marketing is the core element.
✔ Social Media cannot be avoided now days, to emphasize more on social media you will need to market your app.
✔ With more than 2 million apps available in the app stores, marketing your app to make people aware of its existence is essentially important to sustain in the existing level of competition.
Mobile App Pre Launch Best Practices:
1. Uniquely Designing your Icons:
Icons signify the purpose of your application. Being the first point of customer interaction, the icon should be designed in an attractive way.
2. Create your presence on Web with the help of a Website:
After mobile app development, the website also needs to be developed with delivery of completely unique content. Getting reviews post the launch will give you a chance to modify your app as per the market needs. The content delivery should be in a promotional way as that can help in accurate marketing of the apps.
3. Intensify UX/UI Designs:
UX / UI though are different aspects, but designing of both of these aspects needs to be exceptional as it will end up with a satisfactory user experience and will get in more clients.
4. Optimization of the App Store:
Impressing the users by your app store page is the only way to grab their hold on your app. Starting from the App Name, App Description, Optimizing the Keywords, focusing on the visuals of the app, to getting the feedback needs to be taken care of by precisely.
5. Press Release:
Press Release is one of the most successful marketing campaigns to make your apps popular. It is affordable and most familiar approach of reaching the users during the launch of your applications.
Mobile Apps Post-Launch Best Practices:
Post shooting the PR on the launch of the applications, now the need of advertising your app arises. Adapting any medium of advertisement, the marketing of the app should be initiated as it will make people in large number aware of the mobile app.
1. Advertising:
Post shooting the PR on the launch of the applications, now the need of advertising your app arises. Adapting any medium of advertisement, the marketing of the app should be initiated as it will make people in large number aware of the mobile app.
2. App Store Optimization:
The app users often discover the app release through app store searches which makes App Store optimization an essential part of App Marketing. App Store Optimization will optimize your app to gain a higher rank in the app store.
3. Optimization of the App:
Post launch one most important element that needs to be taken care of is accurate optimization of the App. Engaging users in your App is a big time challenge, considering which it is mandatory for you to keep optimizing your app with the best possibilities leading towards the expansion of your app.
4. Influence Marketing:
This type of Marketing helps in developing a relation with the influential people who holds the potential of enhancing the visibility for a product or service over the web.
5. Deep Linking Indexing to Cover Search Engine:
Deep Linking helps in connecting the content within the mobile app. These links are shareable. It helps in directing the users and takes them to the product display section as soon as the link is clicked.
6. E–Mail Marketing:
E–Mail Marketing is the most effective mode of marketing and can be implemented before or after the launch of the app. Added to this some occasional mails can also be sent with attractive discount offers as it is more impact than the ones sent on regular basis. It helps to reach the potential clients in the easiest way.