How to Increase Conversion Rates and Optimize Product Page

How to Increase Conversion Rates and Optimize Product Page

Is it possible to increase conversion rates and reach 10%?

yes! Many big companies have succeeded in that, but how?

The average conversion rate is between 1% to 3%. Although these numbers look low, A good conversion rate is between 3% to 5%. To increase conversion rates, one must optimize the product page and attract more customers. If you don’t know how to do it, don’t worry. I tried to tell you the abstract of my +10 years of experience in this content, so stay tuned.

Table of Contents

Best Ways to Increase Conversion Rates

By following these rules and strategies, you will attract more audiences and succeed in your business.

Optimized Content

Content is the first step to engaging visitors. Whether your website is content-based, product-based, or service-based, the customer follows the content to find solutions. The optimized contents will persuade visitors to stay on that page and complete the desired action. To create persuasive content:

  • You should know your buyer persona and create specific content to attract his attention
  • Include long keywords that are searched by your buyer persona. Otherwise, they don’t find you
  • Use more subtopics to deliver more relevant information to the potential customer and keep them on your page
  • Longer articles (at least 2000 words) tend to attract more readers and rank higher
  • Use more relevant internal links so that keep the reader on your website and answer his questions more and more. Avoid external links on your product page. Otherwise, you lose your potential customers and send them away
  • Use Inverted Pyramid Style of Writing to keep the reader engaged and create optimized content: begin with some facts and stories, then say the main subject, and finally add some supporting statements
  • When trying to create content for a topic that your product is another solution for that question, or it can be an instead solution for that problem, or it can be better to use it as a Side solution.

► Technical tips

  • Always use analytics tools to keep track of your traffic and development
  • If the content is optimized and still there is no conversion rate, maybe your web page’s speed is problematic. Most of the users will leave a page after waiting for several seconds. So if your loading page speed is low or it doesn’t respond, the optimized content will not help you
  • HTTPS is a ranking factor, so your website should load on it to get a higher ranking
  • Display customer reviews to let your visitors purchase based on facts. Believe it or not, the power of customer reviews is the same as product descriptions and details

Paying attention to these tips, because applying them would facilitate the customer journey.

► Talk about product details

A customer buys a product or service because he needs it. Of course, this purchase has to solve customers’ problems. Thus, he must make sure the particular product provides all desired characteristics. He reads the product information. If the details satisfy him, he will complete the action. Otherwise, he leaves it. In this way, you will lose a potential customer in a flash. Thus the details you must provide:

  • Product name, color, brand, size
  • The material which the product has made from, its quality,
  • Guarantee, its duration, and expiration date
  • Summarizing the key features
  • Technical features such as speed, resolution, power, and weight
  • Reviews and rating
  • Doing video marketing about problems that product can resolve it and its profits.

► Include Shipping Information

You have to assure the customer that they will receive their product as soon as possible. More importantly, the product must be delivered safe and sound. So, choose the best shipping company to make the customer trust you. If you have any shipping policy, such as free shipping, make it bold. People like free services, and it increases the conversion rate. SO, based on your company and products, you can choose these shipping policies:

  • Free shipping for more than your average payment per order can increase your average payments in the long term.
  • Working with different shipping companies and letting the customer choose between several reliable shipping companies
  • Return policy is one of the best ways to increase conversion rate because the customer makes sure that he can return the product and get his money back.
  • Provide customer services in case of delays

► Pay attention to your SEO to increase conversion rates

You may have applied SEO tips to your product page, but still, your rate is not satisfying. If you applied standard SEO tips and your product page doesn’t have a good rank, follow these tips:

  • You may have chosen an SEO title, but is it engaging enough? Don’t forget that your potential customer is a human, not a robot. So, your SEO title must trigger your readers’ emotions and make them click on the webpage.
  • Optimize your old content and update them. By doing this, you would have many SEO articles that help raise the website rank
  • Along with including SEO keywords in the article and paying attention to their density, you may use sub-keywords that users search for in search engines. For example, if your article is about “best ways to increase conversion rates”, users search it in the following forms:
  1. How to increase your conversion rate?
  2. What is the average conversion rate, and how to raise it?
  3. Why is it important to raise a website’s conversion rate?

Include all these sub-keywords in your article to create SEO content and get more clicks.

  • A call to action is a great strategy to make the user purchase and increase conversion rates, so don’t underestimate it.
  • Use simple and short URLs to indicate page content.

Not all users are ready to buy, so be sure to categorize your content:

  • Informational content for strangers
  • Navigational content for interested users
  • Commercial investigation content for users who want to buy, and compare between multiple brands
  • Transactional content for users that are ready to buy.

And add an internal link between steps to convert users from each stage to the next one.

Marketing Strategies

While marketing strategies are more professional and specialized, they will increase conversion rates and play an active role in product page optimization. Marketing strategy is a broad term and embraces various strategies that help a company reach its goals. You can choose the best marketing strategies based on your company, business goals, and potential customers. Even with a high google ranking, you still need ads to raise traffic and sales. Some of these strategies

  • Search Engine Marketing/PPC: An online advertising strategy in which ads appear on search engines like Google. When a user enters a related keyword, the ad will appear. The business owner has to pay for each click. With each click, your product page will receive a new visitor. From here on, you have to keep the visitor with your content. So for small and medium businesses, it’s not efficient enough to pay for PPC for strangers, and it’s better to pay for users you have their emails or retargeting users come to your product pages before from other sources.
  • Email Marketing can be a great strategy to increase conversion rate if you use it reasonably, not just randomly. You have to plan two separate email marketing for your loyal customers and the visitors who have subscribed. Send informational emails about new products or discounts on your customers’ favorite products. You have to track their searched products and offer discounts on those items via email for your subscribed visitors.
  • Wishlist Strategies: if you have a woocommerce store, wishlist strategies can work for you; it’s so simple, and you just need to install free MC Wishlist on your WordPress site and config it. After that, every user adding a product to his wishlist gets strategic follow-up emails depending on their wishlist, and your loyal customer and sales increase together.

► Conversion funnels

The success of any marketing strategy depends on when you use it. You should be aware of the timing and conversion funnels:

  • TOFU (Top of the Funnel): In this stage, your potential customer is searching for his desired product. Here, you should introduce the products via ads and social media marketing.
  • MOFU (Middle of the Funnel): Now, the customer has chosen some brands and may join campaigns or subscribe for an email to receive more information
  • BOFU (Bottom of the Funnel): Finally, he chooses the desired brand and will read customer reviews, descriptions and watch videos to make sure. Here, SEO comes to help you since, with a higher ranking, your product page would be the first he click on to read further.

Other beneficial marketing strategies include:

► Pricing strategies to increase conversion rates

Pricing strategy depends on different factors, such as the products, the goals of each company, and the business identity you aim to create and reflect. Various pricing strategies that increase conversion rates include:

  • Bundling is grouping similar products and offering discounts on the total price. This strategy is great for physical items.
  • Competitive pricing: in this strategy, the prices are chosen based on the prices of rival companies. In this way, you can lower the price and earn from the shipping expenses.
  • Dynamic pricing: with this strategy, you can change the price of your products or services based on the market’s demands. But be careful, because if you overuse it, you make the visitor confused and you may lose your potential customers.
  • Price differentiation is another strategy that says the prices of two similar items can’t be the same. Because the customer would compare items and, upon not understanding the differences, would leave both. So with this strategy, you would decrease the conversion rate.

Each of these strategies has its pros and cons. To choose the best pricing strategy and increase conversion rates, you must pay attention to your products, potential customers, and company.

Social Media Marketing

Nowadays, social media plays an important role in the marketing world. The number of social media users increases every day. Thus, social tools can be one of the best marketing strategies to reach a wider audience and increase conversion rates. To apply this strategy, you can use networks such as Instagram, Twitter, and Facebook to apply this strategy. Remember that each media needs a different marketing approach:

  • Use Instagram for image-marketing
  • Facebook and LinkedIn are great for long posts
  • Twitter is great for copywriting and links
  • Use YouTube for video marketing

To optimize your social media marketing, you have to know your audience and popular social media. For example, most LinkedIn users are educated. Women are fond of Pinterest and Instagram. Teenagers

are active users of Youtube. Thus, the most popular social media among your potential customers must be the main marketing platform to increase conversion rates.

► Include Offers and Discounts

“Sale” and “Discounts” are some words that can attract people in the blink of an eye. Just remember that this strategy must increase conversion rates and make a profit. So, don’t bankrupt yourself by overdoing it.

  • Offers for new customers
  • Discounts for loyal customers
  • Offers for during holidays or choose seasonal promotions
  • Benefit from coupon marketing
  • Special pop-ops for visitors who are leaving the product page without buying anything

Design and Appearance and increase conversion rates

When a user visits the website, the product page, design, and images are the first things he sees, not the text. You can keep the visitor interested and informed just by the graphic elements. Don’t forget that aesthetic influence is a proven psychological fact. Therefore, with a good design, you can encourage your visitors to buy more. To achieve this goal:

  • Choose the Best Layout to have an organized and good-looking product page
  • Provide a Product Catalog to let the visitor get essential information in a flash (visitors hate reading long paragraphs upon entering a new website to which they don’t trust)
  • Include high-quality product images to get visitors’ attention and keep them on your page. People like to see a clear image of their desired product from different angles.
  • Use infographics and illustrations, because people hate reading more content.
  • Add wishlists to increase conversion rates, so if the visitor likes a product and doesn’t have time or money to buy it, add it to his wishlist and check it later.

So, work on your website’s visual appeal to increase conversion rates.

Final words to increase conversion rates

Marketing is a long journey, which would be more and more difficult without providing essential tools. To achieve marketing goals and to increase conversion rates, one must choose new paths that nobody has stepped on. Here, we included the best strategies and tactics that help you sell more. Apply them to your business and enjoy the result.


I’m Saeed Threes super curious about marketing with WordPress; my challenge is to increase sales in WordPress without the need for other websites; how to sell more without more traffic?
I seek the answer to this question in all my jobs!

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