How to Approve App with 20 Tester after Google’s New App Review Policy

How to Approve App with 20 tester after Google's New App Review Policy

The new app review policy of Google adds strict criteria meant to improve user safety and app quality. Developers with personal accounts made after November 13, 2023 have to do closed tests with at least 20 testers chosen for at least 14 consecutive days, to fulfill certain testing criteria before releasing their products on Google Play.

These developments guarantee complete testing and compliance, thereby enhancing software quality and user experience. Weighing the benefits and drawbacks of these developments, this article addresses the core of Google’s new app review policy, specifies the required rules, and offers practical actions to ready your app for review.

What is Google’s New App Review Policy

Navigating Google’s new app review process calls for thorough planning and strict adherence to revised rules. Google requires developers with personal accounts started after November 13, 2023.

This is a required step before seeking production access. The policy seeks to guarantee that applications follow Google’s guidelines for functionality, privacy, and user experience, are completely tested free from major flaws, and meet their criteria for these measures. These criteria help Google maintain a premium app environment on Google Play.

New App Review Policy Guidelines

  • Mandatory Closed Testing: Developers must conduct a closed test with at least 20 testers for a minimum of 14 days before applying for production access.
  • Data Safety Disclosures: Clearly disclose data collection, usage, and sharing practices.
  • Sensitive Permissions: Limit app permissions to only what is necessary and provide clear justifications.
  • Enhanced Metadata Scrutiny: Ensure app titles, descriptions, and promotional materials are accurate and relevant.
  • Functionality Standards: Apps must be fully functional and stable, passing rigorous testing.
  • User Experience Quality: Prioritize intuitive and user-friendly app interfaces.
  • Security Protocols: Implement robust security measures to protect user data.
  • Developer Accountability: Regularly update and maintain compliance with Google’s guidelines.

Process to Prepare Your App for Review

Process to Prepare Your App for Review
  • Review Guidelines: Familiarize yourself with Google’s updated app review policies.
  • Data Safety Section: Complete the data safety form with accurate information on data practices.
  • Permission Audits: Ensure the app requests only necessary permissions with clear justifications.
  • Metadata Accuracy: Verify that all app metadata is accurate and non-misleading.
  • Functionality Testing: Perform extensive testing to ensure the app functions correctly without significant bugs.
  • User Experience Optimization: Enhance the app’s design for an intuitive user experience.
  • Security Implementation: Integrate strong security measures to safeguard user data.
  • Compliance Updates: Keep the app updated to align with new guidelines.
  • Beta Testing: Engage beta testers to identify and fix issues before submission.
  • Documentation Preparation: Prepare necessary documentation, including privacy policies and user consent forms.

How to Get 20 Tester Devices for Review Policy

How to Get 20 Tester Devices for Review Policy

To comply with Google’s new app review policy, securing 20 tester devices is crucial. Start by leveraging personal and professional networks and reaching out to friends, family, and colleagues. Engage with online communities relevant to your app’s niche and request their participation. Social media platforms are effective for recruiting testers; post about your app and invite followers to join the test.

Additionally, consider using beta testing services to provide access to a diverse group of testers. Ensuring a mix of devices and operating systems among testers helps identify and resolve potential issues across various user scenarios.

Advantages and Disadvantages of New Google App Review Policy

Advantages of New Google App Review Policy


  • Enhanced User Safety: Improved data protection and privacy.
  • Increased Transparency: Clear disclosures build user trust.
  • Improved App Quality: Higher standards ensure better apps.
  • User Experience Focus: Encourages better user interface design.
  • Competitive Edge: Compliance can help apps stand out.


  • Longer Review Times: Stricter guidelines may extend review periods.
  • Higher Development Costs: Adherence to new standards can be resource-intensive.
  • Increased Complexity: Navigating the new requirements can be challenging.
  • Risk of Rejections: Tighter scrutiny may result in more rejections.
  • Frequent Updates Needed: Continuous compliance requires regular app updates.


Navigating Google’s new app review process successfully calls on knowing and following the revised rules, doing extensive testing, and upholding high standards for user safety and app quality.

By painstakingly preparing your app and matching it with Google’s standards, you can guarantee a better review process and position it for success in the cutthroat Google Play Store. Apart from facilitating approval, the dedication to compliance strengthens user confidence and happiness, thereby helping your app succeed.


Q1. How long does it take for the Google Play Store to review a new app?

A new app sent to the Google Play Store usually takes a few days to about a week to evaluate. However, other elements may affect this schedule, including the complexity of the app, the present number of entries, and whether it satisfies the Google Play Store policies.

Review times could stretch at busy times, including holidays or big events. Developers may speed the process by making sure their program follows all standards, is well-tested, and has proper information. Updates on the review progress and any necessary modifications might come from tracking the Google Play Store Connect dashboard.

Q2. What are the consequences of not complying with Google’s new app review policy?

Ignoring Google’s new app review policy might cause delays in app approval, rejection by the Google Play Store, or removal of your app should it fall short of accepted criteria. Negative customer reviews and trust problems caused by this policy might affect your apps’ download counts.

Q3. How can I ensure my app meets Google’s testing requirements?

Test your app rigorously across many devices, operating systems, and user scenarios to ensure it meets Google’s testing criteria. Early in the development process, including beta testers, to find and fix compliance concerns, usability problems, and bugs before your app is sent for review.

Q4. Will Google provide guidance on navigating the new app review policy?

Yes, Google offers resources and guidelines through its Play Console Help Center and developer documentation. These resources outline the testing requirements, best practices for app development, and steps to prepare your app for review under the new policy. Keeping updated with these resources can help developers navigate and comply with the new policy effectively.

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