10 Best Tools of Mutation Testing for Performance Optimization

Best Tools of Mutation Testing

Mutation testing for software testing is one of the best methods. However, it is a less-used methodology in software testing; hence, only a few mutation testing tools are available for your perusal. If you are looking for some of the best mutation testing tools, then surely this is the right read for you.

In this article, we have rounded up a list the 10 best tools of mutation testing. The ones listed in this post are robust and the most useful tools. Some of the tools outlined here are compatible with the Java program, while others are specifically designed for other programs. So, read this post for detailed information on the mutation testing tools. Let’s get started…

Table of Contents

10 Most Robust Mutation Testing Tools For Successful Software Testing

Mutation testing is one of the crucial testing methods in the process of software development. It is a part of white box testing, in which the major focus on making changes to test suits to ensure that the test suite can efficiently detect errors in the source code. The main purpose of mutation testing is to detect errors or bugs in the software and fix them in a timely fashion. Moreover, this test is conducted at the software development phase, unlike regression testing, which is conducted post-delivery.

Here is our rundown of some of the best mutation testing tools that you can used to test your software prior to delivering it your client. Read on!

1. PITest

PITest - Mutation Testing Tool

At number 1, we have PITest. It is a tool for mutation testing that has specifically been designed for Java and the JVM. The most notable feature of this tool is that it is fast and scalable. Most importantly, this tool can easily be integrated with advanced testing procedures. In addition, it automatically modifies the original code and runs the test to measure the effectiveness of the software. If the software is effective, then the test fails as the PITest has changed the application code.

Although there are many mutation systems for the language Java, they are slow and ineffective. However, PITest is one of the easiest to use tools that helps engineers or testers locate the weakness in the software. The coolest thing about this tools is that it generates reports in an understandable format combining line coverage and mutation coverage.

Key Features of PITest

  • Faster analysis
  • Fully developed
  • Fully supported with automation
  • Easy to use tool
  • Can be integrated with Maven, Gradle, ant, and more

2. MutPy

MutPy - Mutation Testing Tool

Another efficient mutation testing tool is MutPy. This tool is specifically designed for Python. Its distinguishing feature is that it generates HTML/YAML reports and supports colorful output. In addition, it implements a mutation program on the AST level.

However, it is worth noting that MutPy does not come with built-in Python language. That doesn’t make any difference, because you can install it in no time. For this, you need to enter the pip install mutpy in the terminal. With high-order mutations (HOM) and code coverage, you can boost the mutation system in MutPy.

Key Features of MutPy

  • Easy to install
  • Less time consuming
  • Supports pytest and unittest
  • Easy to use tool
  • Generates easily understandable data

3. Jester

Jester - Mutation Testing Tool

At number 3, we have Jester. Jester is one of the best mutation tools available out there. The coolest thing about Jester is that it is very simple to use tool. Testers claim to have comfortable time when conducting mutation testing using Jester.

This tool is known for its extra efficiency because it explores codes not covered by tests. It makes some changes to the code and then, runs the test to examine whether the software passes or fails. If it passes the test, Jester displays a message saying which changes it has made to the code. This test is preferably for Java code and JUnit tests.

Key Features of Jester

  • The latest version is available
  • No bugs or glitches issue
  • Unexpected results
  • Automated error seeding
  • Easy to use tool

4. Stryker Mutator

Stryker Mutator - Mutation Testing Tool

The next tool of mutation testing is Stryker Mutator. If you are not developing Java, the Stryker mutator is a highly recommended mutation tool for you. This is because of its efficiency in assessing software quality. Most importantly, this is an open-source tool that can function in several languages such as Javascript, C#, Scala, and TypeScript.

The most notable feature of Stryker Mutator is that it can seamlessly work with any parallel test runner. The GitHub community actively maintains it. You can boost its testing speed with code analysis and test runners. So, access this tool to avail the benefits of smart reporting that can let you send reports for stress-free analysis.

Key Features of Stryker Mutator

  • Fast functioning
  • Easy to use
  • Open source tool
  • Free to use Stryker dashboard
  • Support of Github account
  • Efficient with many languages

5. Symflower

Symflower - Mutation Testing Tool

Are you overwhelmed due to undiscovered mutants? If yes, you should try the Symflower mutation tool. This is one of the best alternatives to the PITest tool. Symflower mutation tool can streamline the complex procedure of mutation testing instantly.

The best thing about this tool is that it can generate test templates for effortless examination of the test suite. Moreover, it can efficiently complete test suites for plain Java, Spring, or Spring Boot applications. So, if you want a test that can generate test results with mathematical precision, harness the power of the Symflower.

Key Features of Symflower

  • The IDE plugin to generate input values
  • Comprehensive test coverage for the original test code
  • Outputs with mathematical precision
  • Test template generator

6. Jumble

Jumble - Mutation Testing Tool

Next on the list of the best mutation testing tools is Jumble. Jumble is a powerful mutation tool that can efficiently complete the JUnit tests. Its purpose is to provide testers with trustworthy and easy-to-understand results.

In this, one mutation is tested to increase the complexity of the test. The test becomes more challenging to identify any alterations or variations in the code. On the other hand, having multiple mutation tests can enhance the ability to identify any changes made to the code. If the modified code fails the test, it enhances the dependability of the test. In contrast, if the modified code successfully passes the test, it suggests that the test may have a vulnerability.

Key Features of Jumble

  • Uses the byte-code engineering library (BCEL)
  • Designed for large projects
  • Performs directly on class files
  • Simple to use tool
  • Powerful yet expensive option

7. MuClipse

MuClipse - Mutation Testing Tool

Here is another robust mutation testing tool for you that you can use to detect bugs or errors in your software. Developed by Eclipse development, MuClipse is one of the best mutation tools, superficially created for Java files.

This tool utilizes an API that simplifies and enhances the process of mutation testing, making it more convenient and user-friendly. However, in this approach, the mutation process involves manipulating language on a large scale. Furthermore, you’ll have to ensure that the source code of the mutant is not present on the Java classpath in order to successfully eliminate mutants.

Key Features of MuClipse

  • Integrated GUI-based results
  • Real-time configuration
  • Designed for Java files
  • Compatibility with JUnit tests
  • Java classpath management

8. Mutatest-Python

Mutatest-Python - Mutation Testing Tool

Mutatest-Python is yet another wonderful mutation testing tool. As the name says, this tool is a Python tool used to assess the quality of the test suite by introducing small changes or “mutations” to the code. Mutates-Python is a time-saving and flexible mutation testing tool.

It involves testing the source code on an individual file or whole package. This tool functions with an API to customize mutation controls. The distinguishing feature is that it can perform with random sampling of mutation targets and multiple running modes. This includes an in-built Python feature to ensure mutants or changes are verified. It can efficiently run parallel test-runners with Python multiprocessing.

Key Features of Mutatest-Python

  • Simple integration
  • Enhance code reliability
  • Seamlessly identify gaps in test coverage
  • API and Custom mutation
  • Efficient for only meaningful mutants
  • Uses Python’s Abstract Syntax Tree grammar

9. Insure++

Insure++ - Mutation Testing Tool

Next, we have Insure++. Insure++ is an automated mutation testing tool. This tool is specifically created for C and C++ applications. It can efficiently detect various kinds of errors in the software, including corrupted memory, leaked memory, allocated memory error, logical error, pointer error, and more.

This tool performs static analysis, followed by dynamic analysis at runtime configuration. This tool stands out for its ability to provide comprehensive coverage of the software and all its test suite components. During the test, the source code is carefully analysed to evaluate the consistency of the developing software.

Key Features of Insure++

  • Automated application
  • Performs with runtime configuration
  • Examines all types of memory references
  • Easy to use tool
  • Memory visualization tool

10. Javalanche

Javalanche - Mutation Testing Tool

Last but not least is the Javalanche. Javalanche is an open-source mutation tool specifically designed for Javascript mutation testing programs. The distinguishing feature of this tool is that it fully automates the process of mutation testing, thereby reducing the manual effort required to identify weaknesses in the test suite. It is one of the most efficient and effective tools to assess the quality of a test suite. It seamlessly detects artificial faults added to the test suite, thereby highlighting any weaknesses or gaps in the test coverage.

The notable feature is that it can effectively address the problem of equivalent mutants. So far it is one of the best mutation testing tools, it has worked efficiently on up to 10000 programs. If you wish to use this tool, feel free to visit the official website of the Javalanche.

Key Features of Javalanche

  • Functions with a small set of mutation operators
  • Comprehensive for each test
  • Avail the benefit of parallel and distributed computing
  • Direct Java bytecode manipulation
  • Detailed reporting
  • Integration with Java built tools

The Bottom Line

So, these are the 10 best tools for mutation testing. Out of many testing models and strategies, mutation testing tools are more effective and efficient. They help strengthen the quality of software by rigorously evaluating the effectiveness of your test suite. The ten tools discussed here provide a wide range of features and capabilities, catering to different programming languages and testing requirements.

Whether you are working with Java, Python, or other platforms, these 10 mutation testing tools help ensure that your code is robust, your tests are comprehensive, and your software is reliable. Integrating mutation testing into your development process allows you to identify and address potential weaknesses in your code, resulting in higher-quality software and more confident releases.

Happy Software Testing… 😊 😊

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WeeTech Solution