Apple pay is a newly developed Payment System introduced to bring in the revolution in the technological market. Keeping the concept of Physical Wallets in mind, the company is proceeding ahead to match with the competition and bring change in the technological world.
Apple pay is workable in all the Physical Stores. Apple Pay is a feature of iPhone and Apple Watch. It enables you to use your iPhone’s replacing credit cards, debit cards for completing the payment at the store. It has proven to be helpful for the shoppers to make payment through their phones in the most convenient way. Apple Pay supports all the leading credit cards and has got associated with recognised banks.
You must be wondering how useful Apple Pay can be for iPhone users, Yes you are right!! lets look into the Pros of Apple Pay:
► Ease in the Payments
Apple Pay has very well replaced the traditional cards and has provided an ease to the shoppers to just carry their phones leaving behind their cards and has also made the Payments Process to be completed within couple of seconds.
► It is completely Secured
With the use of NFC technology, Apply Pay turns out to be completely secured as it is entirely encrypted and uses a security code for every transaction taking place. With the help of Touch ID finger print, the user’s identity is verified.
► Enhanced Privacy
Apple does not provide the allowance to track down shoppers transactions so as to store the data. And this feature of Apple Pay provides the best privacy to the users. It uses the account number despite of the credit card which has increased its privacy.
► It is compatible with the apps
Apple Pay can be used within apps also to make purchases. Instead of inserting information of your Credit Cards and Debit Cards while making the purchases, payments can be made directly with the help of Apple Pay just with the use of your finger print.
Also read: Why should you Add Buy Now, Pay Later (BNPL)to Your eCommerce Site?
► Enhanced Experience
Apple Pay has provided an ease in the Payment for the users. They are now free from their stress of carrying their cards or cash and taking proper care of it. With such easy and convenient payment system, Apple Pay has lead to better experience for the users.
Every coin has two side and so does Apply Pay. With such great benefits Apple Pay has certain cons too. Lets check them all:
► Cannot be adopted easily
To make Apple Pay effective, it is important for both the exchanging parties to have an iPhone, pertaining to this certain retailers and shoppers too are not able to take the advantage of Apple Pay as they do not have an iPhone.
► Maintaining the Stability
There are not much users of Apple Pay now, but in future with expected increase in the number of users, Apple Pay will not perform the very same way it does now. The processing time for Apple Pay transactions in the demo is not the same when used in reality. Maintaining the Stability of Apple Pay service is difficult and is sure to impact the adoption too.
► Absence of online Shopping Support
Apple Pay does allow you to make purchases within the app, but it does not allow you to make purchases online through any of the websites. With large number of people using iPhone, this limitation of Apple Pay stops them from using it while they shop online.